
Excerpt: Bret Easton Ellis' Imperial Bedrooms

I've been debating with myself whether or not i should read Bret Easton Ellis' Imperial Bedrooms for the pastmonth or so, so when i saw this excerpt from the book Idecided I better give it a go before I say Nay or Yay.
I've only ever read 2 of Ellis's novels, American Psycho 
(i still can't decide which is better, the book or 
the film) and Glamorama, so my read into the Bedrooms excerpt 
is a slightly partial one, as i am not that familiar with Ellis's 
array of fictional characters and plot schemes.
Bedrooms's excerpt is taken from the beginning of 
Ellis's last novel and is, in sort, a return to the author's first 
couple of novels, Less than Zero and The Rules of Attraction.

The narrative point of view is that of Clay, once an 18 year old student at Camden College (circa Less than Zero) now disillusioned screenwriter living in L.A.

Given its axis is set in Zero and Attraction, the excerpt constantly refers to the characters and plots described in those novels, so a brief preparation-read will be needed if you're one of those readers who like being in the loop while the book is still held between your fingers.

The prose itself is very fluent, which makes Bedrooms a very easy and enjoyable read (if you're into black humor and morbid insinuations, that is), a good candidate for a short and saucy flight book to replace that Esquire or Vanity Fair copy (the book's 192 pages can easily be read in 2-3 hours if you're a fast reader, or 4-5 if you're slow like me.)

Other that that I don't have too much too say about the book as I fear that the 'slimness' characterizing its excerpt is also apparent in the book itself (more a novella than a novel, really).

You're going to have to make up your mind about this one. Sorry.

VERDICT: BUY IT but only if you're an Ellis enthusiast

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